Thursday 4 July 2024

Marla Goodman

 Marla Goodman passed away on 25th May 2024 following a battle with pancreatic cancer. She wrote a blog named "Life" on AOL Journals, until that service was pulled 16 years ago.


In March, I started this tribute with these lines.

It is not likely that we will be notified of the passing of Pat Lewis, known to us as Sugar. An email from Sugar was forwarded to one of us, saying she was on hospice and didn't know how long she had on the final journey home. Thank you for the friendship, be blessed, have a good life, were her final words. 

Sugar was a pillar of J-land, its spiritual leader and minister - because Sugar was an ordained minister of the church. She was one of many who welcomed me into J-land, as she did so many others. She was creative, making tags in memory of those gone on ahead for Silent Keyboards.

With many thanks to the efforts of Linda Smith Shook in WA, I can now confirm, with reasonable confidence, that Sugar, Patrica Leona Fay Lewis (Cummings) passed away on 6 March 2024 in Kansas City, Missouri, at the age of 74. The obituary I screenshot is not accessible, because it has been removed - possibly because of certain problems that Sugar encountered during her life.

In common with all in this group, I shall remember Sugar as a pivotal member of our J-land community, right from the start. She was an ordained minister, always looking out for those in need. One of the contributions, relevant to this group, have been the many memorial tags for those that have gone on ahead. I am very sad that latterly, Sugar disappeared from the internet. She transferred to hospice care in January, and passed away in March.



Monday 25 March 2024

Kath Motherhen / Astoriasand

 The death was announced on Sunday 24th March 2024 of Kath Motherhen, known under the AOL screenname of Astoriasand. Kath was a lovely lady, who'll be sadly missed by so many, not the least in our on-line community. I have managed to retrieve some of her postings on My Simple Rhymes, where she would publish posts in rhyme. Latterly beset by worsening health problems, centered on her breathing, Kath battled her way through a lengthy spell in hospital. Finally allowed to return to her home in West Yorkshire earlier this month, she left this life on Palm Sunday 2024. 

I also found her VIVI award for 2006, which I post below. 

Monday 19 February 2024

Rose Sisti / Roses are Read

 Rose passed away some time in September 2015. She wrote Roses are Read.
I became aware of her death only today, nearly 9 years after the event. 

I remember her as a lovely friend and bubbly personality. 

May she rest in peace. 

Saturday 3 February 2024

Elizabeth Sims / Godolallie

Three years after her death, I am deeply saddened to report the death of Elizabeth Sims, known to us in J-land as godolallie. She was a gifted photographer and writer. 

 Liz had very serious physical impairments, brought on as a result of being involved in a bad car crash. These are described in perhaps disturbing details on her blog Visual Counterpoint. Her senses always worked in overtime; reading and writing were a challenge to her. 

She moved to Evie in Orkney, opposite the islands of Eynhallow and Rousay, where she found sanctuary in peace and quiet. My last contact with her was in 2015. Liz was happy to reach out to me, and to others in J-land. I believe most of us lost touch with her when we were booted off AOL in 2008.

Thursday 27 October 2022

Jackie Moore

News reached us that Jackie Moore passed away on 26th October 2022, aged 71. She had been hospitalised for some weeks with seizures, which eventually claimed her life. 

Jackie was very much a family person, having been married to her high school sweetheart for 52 years. I cannot recall the name of her blog, but know that all who knew her will mourn her passing.

Friday 15 April 2022

Vivian Sullivan Nwankpah

Vivian Sullivan Nwankpah passed away on 29 March 2022 at the age of 69. She had been ill for some months, having spent the last two months of her life in hospital. 

We remember Vivian as a vivacious member of J-land. Back in 2005, she had the VIVI-awards named after her, which were awarded to outstanding bloggers. This was repeated in 2006. She wrote a blog on AOL Journals, and did transfer to Blogger in 2008, writing in However, like so many of us, Vivian found herself on Facebook and wrote from there. 

We shall miss her, but are relieved that she has been spared further suffering. RIP.

A full obituary is available on this link

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Celeste N Eatherton

Celeste Nadine Eatherton has passed away on 13 March 2022, at the age of 57. She was born in South Dakota, but left this life in Peachtree City, Georgia. Celeste wrote in several blogs, but was also a poet. Her Blogger output remains on Her faith carried her through life, and we trust she is with her Lord now. 

 Personally, I don't think I have come across Celeste here in J-land, but I know many of you have and I join you in mourning our loss. 

Here is the link to her obituary

This tribute was written by Danette Eatherton, and passed on to me by Kathy Zolla.
Celeste lived in Peachtree City outside of Atlanta. She was a beautiful poet and quite a writer. We were AOL journal friends.

Zach, Olivia and Corinne Hunt would like to welcome your presence for a Celebration of Life to honor their mom. It will be held Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 10 a.m. to Noon at the Lake McIntosh boat launch, located at the end of TDK Boulevard in Peachtree City, Georgia.
Celeste was full of life and enjoyed the many colors of this world. Please wear bright colors that would have made Celeste smile and let us all feel the colors of the world as she would have. The family is asking that you bring a 3x5 index card with your favorite memory/story of Celeste and/or a 4x6 size of your favorite photo of Celeste. We will have a board and easel onsite for them to pinned on. After the Celebration of Life, her children will be able to read and enjoy the memories of their mom and probably learn more about what made Celeste so great. If you are unable to attend, please reach out to Danette Eatherton and she will provide the address to send any cards or photos to.
On behalf of her children and her entire family, we are very blessed at the love and support that we have received during this difficult time. As Celeste would have wished, we will continue to honor her by living our best lives possible and seeing the good in the world. We love you all and Keep Smiling!

Sunday 6 March 2022

Jan Eadie - Serendipity Lives

News has reached us that Jan Eadie, who used to blog on Serendipity Lives, passed away on Saturday 5th March, 2022. Jan was a lovely lady from the east of England, who would blog about her family and events in her village, latterly posting about her interests on Facebook. Although she had not posted much in recent times, we will miss one of our founder members very dearly. 


Friday 25 February 2022

Barbara Cullum Masters - Confessions of an Angel Waitress

Barbara passed away on 23 February 2022, aged 61 (and one week) of a heart attack. She is now one of J-land angels, but always was one in the time that we knew her. A talented singer and a lovely character. The news of her death came totally unexpected. My thoughts are with her family and friends in Texas and beyond. May she rest in peace.