Sunday, 30 January 2011

Angie Marshall

Angie Marshall passed away today at the age of 60. She had not been feeling well earlier in the week, but the sad news of her death did come as a shock to many of her friends on the Internet. Marie Rayner has written a tribute on her blog "A Year from Oak Cottage", to which I'd like to refer.[Unfortunately, neither tribute nor site are no longer available, January 2013]. 

Angie, Rest in Peace.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Housekeeping message

Jeannette has given me permission to monitor comments on this blog, and as a result I have just removed 500 spam comments.

A few things have therefore been changed:
  • Anonymous comments are no longer permitted.
  • You will be asked to complete word verification
  • All comments will be moderated prior to publication. 
I apologise for any inconvenience, but I am confident you prefer that over seeing the tributes defiled by comment spam.


Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Rest Well Daria

Another of our community has been lost to us with her passing on the 22nd January after a long, brave battle against cancer.
I did not know Daria but she was one of us and I know by the comments she received that she was very popular.
Her suffering is over now and she, as others before her, takes her place on this our memorial journal never to be forgotten. Rest well, Daria.

In Remembrance Of Bill

I have only just heard of the passing of our dear friend Bill of Just Plain Bill. He was much loved and a great friend to many. I remember him visiting my journal on several occasions.
He now takes his place with our other J-Land Angels but he will not be forgotten. Rest in peace dear Bill.